Since 2015, CompCorePro (CCP) has successfully helped employers, insurance brokers and insurance companies reduce workers compensation claim costs using our state-of-the-art software and strategic services.
Our workers compensation claims management system works to get employees back to work faster, saving you time and money. If you’re having issues dealing with workers compensation claims, we’re here to help streamline the process.
Let Us Review Your Loss Runs For Free
Take Control of Your Workers Compensation Claims

Our specialized proprietary software and team of workers compensation assistants help to effectively reduce workers comp costs to the employer and close cases in a timely fashion, so employees return to work faster.
Our clinical professionals help to identify issues that lead to prolonged workers comp cases, including the over-utilization of medical services, misdiagnosed cases, and other delays in the workers comp system.
By using our medical algorithms and software, we have helped our clients achieve a 20-30% reduction in their workers comp costs.
Don’t wade into the workers compensation system without a guide — CompCorePro is the missing link you’ve been looking for.
Contact us online or call (708) 547-3555 to learn more about how CompCorePro can help you monitor claims.